Tennessee has yet to get on board with the tide of drug decriminalization that is gaining momentum throughout the country. In fact, earlier this year, the state passed a bill expressly intended to stop any cities from passing local decriminalization measures. If you...
Experience Counts
It’s important to employ the right DUI defense strategy
The majority of drivers are familiar with the risks of drinking alcohol (or using drugs) and getting behind the wheel. Even so, this doesn't stop some people from taking this action and hoping for the best. Due to the fact that drunk driving remains a major problem...
Can police look in your glove box?
Another part of your vehicle may be off limits from a police search. A recent ruling by the Ninth Circuit US Court of Appeals determined that a police officer can’t search the glove compartment to find information readily available elsewhere—such as...
Are vehicle searches allowed without a search warrant?
In the aftermath of a Tennessee traffic stop, the individual detained may be unsure of his or her rights. Very often, an arrest follows a search of a motor vehicle without law enforcement first obtaining a search warrant. Motorists may not be aware that the laws for...
Can I file bankruptcy for my criminal costs?
If you have been convicted of a crime in Tennessee, you know that there can be a high price to this experience. In addition to time spent in jail or living with a criminal record on file, you may be ordered to pay high fines, restitution to those alleged to have been...
Student financial aid and criminal records
If you have been convicted of a criminal offense in Tennessee and are a college student or looking to attend college, you will want to understand how your criminal conviction might impact your ability to receive federal student aid. Even the cost of a community...
Forensic testing in criminal cases
During and after a criminal arrest in Tennessee, law enforcement officers and many others on prosecution and defense teams may be actively involved in reviewing facts and evidence to support their assertions. This may even involve attempting to locate and collect...
Grand jurors versus petit jurors
When hearing reports about a grand jury indictment, many people in Tennessee may or may not know that this is not the same thing as any decision made by a petit jury. There are distinct differences between grand juries and petit juries and their associated...