Sex-related crimes are some very serious crimes since they are considered crimes against a person. When you or someone you love is facing sex-related crimes, it is critical that you understand exactly what qualifies as a sex crime. What are some sex-related crimes?...
Experience Counts
Year: 2015
Protecting the freedom of those arrested for second, third DUIs
Last week, our blog spent some time warning people to be extra vigilant about getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol during holiday gatherings as law enforcement officials will be out in far greater numbers looking to make DUI arrests in the coming weeks. In...
‘Tis the season for increased drunk driving enforcement
Now that the holiday season is in full swing, most people will find their to-do list rapidly growing by leaps and bounds, as there is shopping to do, decorating to finish, cards to mail and, of course, social engagements to attend. From family gatherings to work...
Sexual assault cases at college: is your child ready?
Over the last few years, the topic of sexual assault on college campuses has become a hot button topic. In many states across the nation, victims are blaming colleges and universities for failing to educate students about sexual assault and not enforcing...
Long-term effects of mistaken identity
The Internet and social media are a mainstay for not just virtually hanging out with friends and family, but also more and more businesses are using it as a vetting process for job candidates. Unfortunately, for one Knoxville man, the cost of being falsely accused of...
Why you must take vandalism charges seriously
Even though Halloween is now officially behind us, this will by no means stop many teens and college students from pursuing the time-honored tradition of pulling pranks. There is, of course, nothing problematic with these antics from a legal perspective provided no...
How much do you know about protective orders here in Tennessee? – III
In a series of posts, we've been providing some background information about protection orders here in Tennessee, including the circumstances in which they are typically granted and, most recently, how temporary protection orders -- or TPOs -- work. Our purpose in...
State lawmakers hear arguments for keeping civil forfeiture law
It often comes as a shock for people to learn that law enforcement officials at both the state and federal level can not only seize their private property -- cash, vehicles, etc. -- but that they can do so in the absence of criminal charges or a conviction. The...
Providing skilled, aggressive representation in drug crime cases
A few weeks back, our blog discussed how efforts were underway at the federal level to reform the criminal justice system, particularly as it relates to sentencing for nonviolent drug offenders. As encouraging as this news certainly is, it's nevertheless important to...
Study: Parents should consider taking with their kids about DUI ASAP
Now that we are a little over a month into the start of the new school year and homecoming is right around the corner, it's perhaps a good time for parents to sit down and have a discussion with any teen drivers in their household about both the dangers and...